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Max payload question

  • CitationXwannabe
  • Topic Author

CitationXwannabe created the topic: Max payload question

Hi Guys,

Just a quick question regarding calculating maximum payload.

Exercise 5.2 on page 5.8

Question 6: Fuel at take-off is listed as 'full tanks at start up'. I read this as meaning full tanks (useable and unusable fuel) less start/taxi fuel.

So full fuel tanks = 190gal.

The answer uses the 'useable fuel amount' of 180gal. I would have thought weight is weight - weather it is useable or not??

I've probably gone wrong at some point, but on the off chance that I'm onto something, I'd appreciate your advice,


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  • captainellzy

captainellzy replied the topic: Re: Max payload question


In this particular question, without the book in front of me for reference, I would have to say that unusable fuel is included in the BEW, therefore the only fuel you'll need to worry about is flight fuel (and reserves, taxi etc..)


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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Re: Max payload question

Hi CitationXwannabe,

As Ellzy said, those 10 gal of unuseable fuel are already included in the BEW of the Echo so you don't need to worry about them.

When we talk about "fuel at start-up" we mean the useable fuel in the tanks when you start the engines. The fuel amount includes your start-up and taxi allowances since you haven't burnt them yet.

Compare that to "Fuel at take-off" which means useable fuel in the tanks when you line up on the runway. You have now already burnt your start-up and taxi allowance so they do not need to be considered anymore.

So, "Full tanks at start-up" means the tanks are full and the amount in there includes your start-up and taxi allowances. The tanks contain 190 gallons but 10 gallons are actually unuseable for planning. This leaves you with 180 gallons available for use.



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  • CitationXwannabe
  • Topic Author

CitationXwannabe replied the topic: Re: Max payload question

Thanks for the clarification guys. After thinking about it last night, I had kind of thought that that may be the case.

I think all of the new stuff that is going into my brain is replacing that old stuff that would have made it obvious :-)

Thanks again!

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  • CitationXwannabe
  • Topic Author

CitationXwannabe replied the topic: Re: Max payload question

Hi Guys,

Well I sat the Performance exam this morning and got 90%. I'm really pleased with that and wanted to say that I think the new exam prep modules made all the difference. The ability to get an explanation for the incorrect answers is so much better than the old system!

Air law next...


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