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Can I tell if this Echo is in balance at ZFW?

  • Posts: 90
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rubber created the topic: Can I tell if this Echo is in balance at ZFW?

Dear Bob and Richard,

I have come across this practice Echo loading question:
I can off load two parcels to maintain balance with two extra passengers, but how do I know if it is in balance at ZFW?

Cheers, rubber

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Re: Can I tell if this Echo is in balance at ZFW?

Hi Rubber,

Without any fuel information it is not possible to work out the ZFW CofG position.

Are you referring to Q12 in the textbook on page 8.11? The wording of this Question in the current edition looks like this:

The load distribution in an Echo aeroplane at take-off is as follows
Gross weight.........................2698 kg
Gross moment index................704
Pilot and three passengers in rows one and two
Eight 20 kg packets in the rear compartment.
How many parcels must be off loaded to allow the carriage of two more passengers?

You have to assume in this case the examiner knows what they're doing and the aircraft will remain in balance at ZFW too.



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  • Posts: 90
  • Thank you received: 2

rubber replied the topic: Re: Can I tell if this Echo is in balance at ZFW?

Thanks Richard,

Yes, I thought that question was asking a bit much, without giving quite enough. It was from an old book. The current wording is much better.

Cheers, rubber

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  • wadner1

wadner1 replied the topic: Re: Can I tell if this Echo is in balance at ZFW?

Hi Richard,
Please I would like your help regarding the Exercise 5.13 on page 5.54
Questions 3& 5 flow chart was used despite addition of fuel and weight was required but in question 6 & 7 the graph was used to solve the questions.
1. why is it so?
2. How will I be able to differentiate when to use the graph and when not to?

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